SiteCloud Account Preferences
Account Preferences can be accessed from any page by clicking the “menu” icon in the upper left corner.

The account preferences dialog allows you to configure:
- Account Email: This field will be pre-populated with the email that was used to initially set up SiteCloud. It represents ownership of the account and will receive any account notifications such as service plans, billing and password resets.
- Change Password: Change the password associated with the Account Email.
- Home Page: Choose which page will be displayed upon login, i.e. View, Sites, Dashboard, Logging.
- Configure Permission-Based User: Read-only accounts are useful to customers who have stakeholders that need limited camera access. You can create up to 100 user accounts and assign permissions on the camera and operational levels. Password resets are also managed here. To configure a permission-based user, select “Configure Permission-Based User Access” and follow the prompts. Be sure to provide the login credentials directly to the user.*Please note that allowing users to perform certain operations may consume data against your SiteCloud service plan.
- Default Alarm Recipients (for Camera Health Status): When setting up a SiteCloud account for the first time, you will have the option to designate up to 3 email or SMS addresses to receive “communication failure” or “low battery” alerts. These addresses will become the default recipients for any and all cameras added to your account. However, you are able to modify the recipients at the camera level under Configure Camera. NOTE: You must check the box “Receive camera status alerts” in order to enable these notifications.