
Reviewing Camera Status and SiteCloud Service Plan Details

Reviewing Camera Status and Sitecloud Service Plan Details

  1. Log into SiteCloud.

2. On the VIEW page, expand the signal and battery section.

  1. The Battery/Network Status screen contains important information about the battery, internet signal strength, SiteCloud service plan, and camera.
    1. Description – Information entered in the Description section of the Configure Camera page shows here.
    2. Next Update – This line tells how long it will be until the camera connects to Sensera Systems. This will be 5 seconds typically when the camera has not had a new command issued to it for 60 minutes, the “heartbeat” will go to every 5 minutes.
    3. Power
      1. Battery Level shows the amount of battery life the camera had at the last time the camera connected to our servers.
      2. The rest of the details are primarily used for troubleshooting by our Support Team.
    1. Network
      1. The Gear icon opens a new window for connecting the camera to Wi-Fi.
      2. Network Type tells whether the camera is connected to the internet via a mobile data plan or onsite Wi-Fi.
      3. Network Name tells the name of the Wi-Fi network that the camera is using, or it tells the type of mobile network it is using.
      4. Signal tells how strong the network was the last time the camera connected to our servers.
    1. Account
    1. Service Plan shows the amount of data purchased per month for this camera or indicates that the service plan is for a Wi-Fi only connection.
    2. Service Start Date is the day that service started for the camera with the most recent purchase.
    3. Service End Date is the day that the service plan is scheduled to end. For customers paying monthly, this will say “Recurring.”
    4. Current Usage tells the amount of data that has been used so far in the month.
    1. Node
    1. The Serial # tells the number of the camera.

Tip: Telling our Support Team the last 4 characters of the serial number is the fastest way for our team to get to your camera to help you.

    1. The Serial # tells the number of the camera.
      1. Current Month Mobile Data Usage gives a quick visual way to check on the amount of data used so far during the month.

Tip: Managing your data usage helps to avoid overage charges.

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ph: (720) 523-0243 x102

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email: support@senserasystems.com

ph: (720) 523-0243 x102